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How Cover Crops and Herbicides Can Help You Control Weeds
Consider this unique strategy for effective, season-long weed management.
Targeting the Right Cover Crop for Your Operation
Learn what the right cover crop might do for your farm
What Farmers Need to Know Now About 40B and 45Z Tax Credits
Our team at Bayer is actively engaged in understanding how 45Z will be implemented to help ensure farmers will receive any benefit for which they’ve qualified. Here's what we know.
How to Sign-up for ForGround in Under a Minute
Signing up for ForGround by Bayer is simple. It takes less than one minute. The best part, it's FREE. No cost, but you get all the benefits.
How to Tackle Weeds in No-Till
In the absence of conventional tillage, growers can turn to other production methods to help control weeds. Consider these cultural strategies to help you successfully manage weeds.
Cover Crops Residual Activity of Bayer Corn and Soybean Herbicides
Understanding the effects of residual herbicides on cover crops helps guide both the cover crop and herbicide selection process and avoid potential cover crop failures.
Bayer Carbon Program Expands Eligibility, Creates New Potential Revenue Streams for Thousands of US Farmers
Program updates include additional eligible states and cash crops, program renewal potential, extended historical practices payment period, and a new Nitrogen Management Program.
ForGround Events
Join us for educational events to help you advance your knowledge base of no-till, strip-till, cover crops and carbon credits. Our experts will be on hand to assist you.
Data Management: It's All in the Details
As data and technology only continue to play a key role in farm businesses, having organized and insightful information can help position you for future opportunities.
How To Turn Soil Samples Into Profitable Decisions, One Test at a Time
As you fill the management toolbox with key strategies for maximizing crop success, making sure your soil tests are up to date, properly sampled and analyzed is critical.
Increase Your Bottom Line by Switching to No-Till
We know that no-till is great for the health of our soils and for long-term sustainable agriculture. What we probably don’t talk about enough is how no-till farming can also increase profit margins.
Yield Enhancing Practices for Better Profitability
Boosting yield is the ticket to better profitability. The obvious seems simple enough. But what strategies can growers act on to ensure they’re doing all they can to maximize crop performance?
As Good as Gold: How to Safeguard the Value of Your Soil
Farming practices that support soil health can help producers work with the land to reduce erosion, manage water infiltration and improve nutrient cycling.
Cover Crops and Nitrogen Management
Utilizing alternate cover crop species, adjusting termination timing and nitrogen management practices, or planting cover crops ahead of soybeans can mitigate potential problems.
Landowner Communications Are Critical to Successful Practice Changes or Conservation Projects
As a farmer, you know what’s best for the land you manage, but does the landowner? Opening communication can be key not only to successful practice changes, but also to future conservation projects.
Managing Through Drought Starts from the Ground Up
With drought plaguing much of the Corn Belt this year, strategies to help farmers manage through tough times can make all the difference in growing a successful crop.
Fuel Farm Revenue
As a farmer, so much of what you do is about the bottom line. But what if the way you farm could help you both maximize farm income and simultaneously build a more sustainable operation?
What Happens After Enrolling in the Bayer Carbon Program?
It’s official – you’re part of the Bayer Carbon Program! So, what now? Find out what comes next after you enroll in the Bayer Carbon Program.
Understanding Additionality in the Carbon Market
Participating in the carbon market is a huge opportunity for farmers who adopt regenerative practices. Grasping the concept of additionality first is essential to understanding carbon market functions
Cover Crops and Nitrogen Recovery
While critical for plant growth, the behavior of nitrogen in the soil is fraught with potential transformations and losses, which ultimately reduce the amount of nitrogen that reaches a plant.
Managing for Spring Cover Crop Moisture Consumption Starts in the Fall
Cover crops can positively or negatively impact soil moisture of the following cash crop. Management decisions starting in the fall can help to mitigate potential issues come spring.
Fall Herbicide Applications in No-Till Systems
Winter annual weeds ordinarily controlled by a spring tillage pass require growers in no-till operations to take a more proactive approach to ensure season-long weed control.
5 Species of Cover Crops to Try This Fall
Whether you are a new cover crop user or a seasoned veteran, it’s never too early to start thinking about what you intend to plant.
Cover Crops and Planting Strategies
Establishment of cover crops is varied and depends on the species, cropping system, and equipment availability. Broadcasting, small grain drill, slurry seeding, and aerial seeding can all be used.
Selecting Cover Crops for your Farm
Maximizing the benefits of cover crops are typically best achieved when they are deliberately selected for a given function, crop rotation and growing environment.
Foliar Fungicide Application Considerations in No-Till and Cover Crop Systems
Each new crop year, growers must make critical input decisions including seed, fertilizer, crop protection products, financing, and insurance.
The Bayer Carbon Program: A Farmer’s Firsthand Account
Harmon Wilts recently enrolled in the Bayer Carbon Program. Through the program, he’ll be paid a fixed amount per acre for the fields he’s devoted to strip tillage. Learn more about his journey.
5 Things to Look for in a Carbon Program for Farmers
Carbon programs are gaining momentum among farmers across the US for some very good reasons. By enrolling, farmers can potentially earn extra income while strengthening their soil at the same time.
Cover Crops and Extreme Weather in the United States Corn Belt
Extreme weather is, has, and always will be a challenge for agricultural producers. Depending on your scenario, cover crops can be a tool to help mitigate some of that risk.
Cover Crops – Stealing or Conserving Water?
Water use and cover crops can be very simple and also complex. It's important to monitor in-season water use of the cover crops and determine the proper termination timing to mitigate cash crop impact
What are Carbon Markets?
Welcome to the first blog in a three-part series on understanding carbon markets and the potential benefits for agriculture.
What to do When Your Cover Crop Gets Away from You
Unpredictable spring weather can present a lot of challenges when terminating cover crops. Here are some tips to modify your termination and management plan if your cover crop gets away from you.
Comparison of Soil Health Tests
Soil health tests are used to assess soil performance and to see how changing crop management practices can change soil functions.
Guide to Visually Assessing Soil Health
Soil health cannot be determined by directly measuring crop yields or other factors, it is measured by various indictors of soil health. Read this article to find out how to properly asses your soil.
How to Deal with Cool, Wet Soils in No-Till
Wet and cold soils during planting are a common risk in row crop production. No-till farming can be a contributor to slow warming and drying of soils. Here are a few tips to help reduce that risk.
Early Spring Herbicide Timing for No-Till Soybeans
Controlling weeds early, during the critical weed-free period for soybeans, is important for minimizing yield losses from weed competition.
Soil Organic Matter: Its Functions and Value
Organic matter is a driver of many important soil processes. Understanding its function is important in managing soils to their fullest potential.
Cultivating Success: Maximizing Returns When Planting No-Till Corn
No-till planting. You either have it figured out, think you do, or have admitted that there must be a better way to cultivate success in your fields than your current practices allow.
ForGround by Bayer Expands its Regenerative Ag Platform, Collaborates with Three New Companies to Provide Additional Benefits to Farmers
Great Plains Ag, Sound Agriculture and EarthOptics join the platform to help farmers on their regenerative ag journey
Now is the Time to Enroll in Carbon Credits
The Bayer Carbon Program through ForGround by Bayer is designed for farmers who prefer simplicity and flexibility. The certainty and ease-of-use is what makes it unique.
How Do Cover Crops Affect My Crop Insurance?
Cover crops can co-exist with crops that are insured in the federal crop insurance programs. Here is a handy guide to navigate the nuances you may come across.
Saving Soil and Increasing Profits: Do Strip-Till and No-Till Have a Place on Your Operation?
Are your tillage practices affecting your profits? Tillage can provide solutions to many in-field problems, but it can also cause problems of its own.
No Till and Water Use Efficiency
Using water efficiently in crop production is focused on reducing losses and maximizing the water you do have. No-till farming practices are a key tool when trying to increase water use efficiency.
Benefits of Mycorrhizae Fungi
Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant.