Carbon Program
Learn about carbon programs for farmers

Putting Regenerative Farming into Practice
With a passion for farming that extends back generations, today’s Engel Family Farms covers more than 30,000 acres in Virginia and North Carolina.

Meet Josh Betcher
Managing risk is a continuous process for Josh Betcher, owner of JB Farms LLC, ensuring his operation remains steady, productive, and sustainable.

Setting Up On-Farm Trials Using Climate FieldView to Test Regenerative Agriculture Practices: A Step-by-Step Guide
The Climate FieldView platform helps farmers collect and analyze field data, enabling on-farm trials to test practices and inputs for optimized yield and efficiency.

Understanding Carbon Intensity Scores: A Guide for Farmers
As the biofuel industry grows, the importance of carbon intensity (CI) scores in assessing the environmental impact of fuels, particularly ethanol, becomes increasingly significant.

Meet Clint Orr – A Eureka Moment Points the Way Toward a Successful Future
Clint Orr leads the way in regenerative agriculture, using sustainable practices, technologies, and data-driven insights to transform his North Central Indiana farm into a model of farming success.

How To Enroll in the Bayer Carbon Program
Wondering how to enroll in the Bayer Carbon Program? We put together this video of the simple, six step process to enroll your fields in the Bayer Carbon Program, part of ForGround by Bayer.

E-Book: Carbon 101 - Putting A Price On Carbon
Carbon 101 EBook. Explore carbon markets, learn about carbon credits and find out what questions to ask before choosing a carbon program.

Bayer Carbon Program Expands Eligibility, Creates New Potential Revenue Streams for Thousands of US Farmers
Program updates include additional eligible states and cash crops, program renewal potential, extended historical practices payment period, and a new Nitrogen Management Program.

Fuel Farm Revenue
As a farmer, so much of what you do is about the bottom line. But what if the way you farm could help you both maximize farm income and simultaneously build a more sustainable operation?

What Happens After Enrolling in the Bayer Carbon Program?
It’s official – you’re part of the Bayer Carbon Program! So, what now? Find out what comes next after you enroll in the Bayer Carbon Program.

Understanding Additionality in the Carbon Market
Participating in the carbon market is a huge opportunity for farmers who adopt regenerative practices. Grasping the concept of additionality first is essential to understanding carbon market functions

Duncanson Testimonial
Meet the Duncanson Brothers from KD2 Farms in Mapleton, Minnesota. Karson and Kameron are avid stewards of their soil, and have implemented cover crops and reduced tillage on their operation.

The Bayer Carbon Program: A Farmer’s Firsthand Account
Harmon Wilts recently enrolled in the Bayer Carbon Program. Through the program, he’ll be paid a fixed amount per acre for the fields he’s devoted to strip tillage. Learn more about his journey.