Cover Crops
Cover crops can benefit your operation by:
- Reducing soil erosion
- Improving water infiltration
- Supporting weed suppression
Learn more from our resources about Cover Crops below!

Cover Crop Benefits for Productivity, Soil & Environmental Health
The use of cover crops, a crop planted outside of the normal cash cropping sequence, is becoming a more common agronomic practice with over 15 million acres in the U.S. in 2017.

Managing Cover Crops Prior to Planting Corn
Cover crops can provide many benefits including weed suppression, reduction of soil erosion, improvement of soil quality, and—depending on the species provision of nitrogen for subsequent crops.

Managing Voles in No-Till and Cover Crop Fields in the United States
Voles can pose significant challenges for farmers, particularly in no-till and cover crop systems. Read our article to learn effective management strategies for sustaining agricultural productivity.

How Cover Crops and Herbicides Can Help You Control Weeds
Consider this unique strategy for effective, season-long weed management.

Cover Crops Residual Activity of Bayer Corn and Soybean Herbicides
Understanding the effects of residual herbicides on cover crops helps guide both the cover crop and herbicide selection process and avoid potential cover crop failures.

Spring Cover Crop Tips with LaCrosse Seed
Join Tyler Williams, a Sustainable Systems Agronomist with ForGround by Bayer and Brandon VanMiddendorp with LaCrosse Seed as they discuss tips for managing cover crops this spring.

Yield Enhancing Practices for Better Profitability
Boosting yield is the ticket to better profitability. The obvious seems simple enough. But what strategies can growers act on to ensure they’re doing all they can to maximize crop performance?

As Good as Gold: How to Safeguard the Value of Your Soil
Farming practices that support soil health can help producers work with the land to reduce erosion, manage water infiltration and improve nutrient cycling.

Cover Crops and Nitrogen Management
Utilizing alternate cover crop species, adjusting termination timing and nitrogen management practices, or planting cover crops ahead of soybeans can mitigate potential problems.

Landowner Communications Are Critical to Successful Practice Changes or Conservation Projects
As a farmer, you know what’s best for the land you manage, but does the landowner? Opening communication can be key not only to successful practice changes, but also to future conservation projects.

Managing Through Drought Starts from the Ground Up
With drought plaguing much of the Corn Belt this year, strategies to help farmers manage through tough times can make all the difference in growing a successful crop.

ForGround Field Advice | Cover Crop Interseeding in Soybeans
Watch as Zach Larson, Sustainable Systems Agronomist for ForGround by Bayer discusses the benefits and implementation of cover crop interseeding in soybeans.

Cover Crops and Nitrogen Recovery
While critical for plant growth, the behavior of nitrogen in the soil is fraught with potential transformations and losses, which ultimately reduce the amount of nitrogen that reaches a plant.

Managing for Spring Cover Crop Moisture Consumption Starts in the Fall
Cover crops can positively or negatively impact soil moisture of the following cash crop. Management decisions starting in the fall can help to mitigate potential issues come spring.

ForGround Field Advice | Cover Crop Seeding Depth
What is the rule of thumb for planting different types of cover crops? Our ForGround by Bayer Sustainable Systems Agronomist Zach Larson explores common types of cover crops and strategy for seeding.

5 Species of Cover Crops to Try This Fall
Whether you are a new cover crop user or a seasoned veteran, it’s never too early to start thinking about what you intend to plant.

Cover Crops and Planting Strategies
Establishment of cover crops is varied and depends on the species, cropping system, and equipment availability. Broadcasting, small grain drill, slurry seeding, and aerial seeding can all be used.

E-Book: The Soil-Strengthening Benefits of Cover Crops
Farmers who plant cover crops between growing seasons can support the long-term health of their soil.

Selecting Cover Crops for your Farm
Maximizing the benefits of cover crops are typically best achieved when they are deliberately selected for a given function, crop rotation and growing environment.

Foliar Fungicide Application Considerations in No-Till and Cover Crop Systems
Each new crop year, growers must make critical input decisions including seed, fertilizer, crop protection products, financing, and insurance.

Cover Crops and Extreme Weather in the United States Corn Belt
Extreme weather is, has, and always will be a challenge for agricultural producers. Depending on your scenario, cover crops can be a tool to help mitigate some of that risk.

ForGround Field Advice | Cover Crop Types + Mixes
Tune in as ForGround by Bayer Sustainable Systems Agronomist Zach Larson evaluates root structure & benefits of different types of cover crops. He also talks about considerations for cover crop mixes.

Cover Crops – Stealing or Conserving Water?
Water use and cover crops can be very simple and also complex. It's important to monitor in-season water use of the cover crops and determine the proper termination timing to mitigate cash crop impact