What Happens After Enrolling in the Bayer Carbon Program?
Written by: ForGround by Bayer
It’s official – you’re part of the Bayer Carbon Program! So, what now?
The time in between signing your contract and receiving your first payment can leave you wondering what to expect next. Since simplicity is one of the strengths of the Bayer Carbon Program, we’ve detailed each step below. You can also refer to your welcome packet or get help from your Carbon Account Specialist at any point in the process.
Here’s what comes next after you enroll in the Bayer Carbon Program:
Step 1: Verify Your Contact Information
First, check that the contact information we have on file is correct by logging into your program account at https://www.myforground.com/login. Confirm your name, business name, email address, phone number and mailing address.
Step 2: Complete the Required Documentation
Required documentation includes a W-9 form, landowner authorizations and practice change evidence pictures:
- W-9 - One W-9 form is required per contract. Complete the EFT portion of the form if you’d like to receive your payment via direct deposit. PLEASE NOTE: The W-9 form isn’t included in your welcome packet. It will be sent via DocuSign to the email address you used to enroll.
- Landowner authorizations - One signed landowner authorization form is required for each leased or partially owned field enrolled in the Bayer Carbon Program to enable carbon asset generation. Your welcome packet includes a support flyer with instructions on how to access the form. You don’t need to complete a form for fields you enrolled previously.
- Practice change evidence pictures - These are only required if you enrolled in a new practice since the prior year’s enrollment. For example, if you enrolled in no-till last year, and now you’ve enrolled in cover crop this year, our team will come to your farm and take evidence pictures of the cover crop.
Step 3: Complete the Required Data Collection
We’ll send your Carbon Account Specialist to your farm to help with this step. Together, you’ll collect the data below using the Climate FieldViewTM Data Manager tool:
- Historical practice management - Fill out your field management information. To determine how many years of data you need to provide, subtract three years from the practice change year. For example, if the practice change year was 2021, provide information for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, 2022, 2023 per field enrolled.
- Field pictures - Our team will take pictures of the qualifying practices you’ve adopted on each of the fields you’ve enrolled. Refer to your welcome packet or contact your Carbon Account Specialist for additional details.
Step 4: Complete the Annual Attestation
You’ll receive an annual attestation form via DocuSign at the email address you used to enroll.
Step 5: Receive Your Annual Payment
You’ve made it to the end! Now you’re ready to reap the potential rewards for the regenerative practices you’ve put to work. With the Bayer Carbon Program, you know what you can earn per acre and are rewarded for the verified and validated practices you adopt. No need to worry about how many tons of carbon you sequester.
Enrollment in the Bayer Carbon Program is the first step to earning rewards for regenerative agriculture. Follow these steps and remember to lean on your Carbon Account Specialist to take full advantage of the potential new revenue streams available to you.
Ready for next steps? Log-in or sign-up now.
Legal Statements: This Bayer Carbon Program described in this material is subject to the current version of the Bayer Carbon-Smart Practices Master Agreement. The information is to aid in the understanding of the Bayer Carbon Program and does not change or modify the Bayer Carbon-Smart Practices Master Agreement in any way.
FieldViewTM is a trademark of Climate LLC. Bayer and Bayer Cross are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2024 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.