
Meet Continuum Ag

Written by: ForGround by Bayer

Continuum Ag is a soil health data intelligence company, who in 2020 launched the first-of-its-kind soil health data tool, TopSoil™. What they deliver is the "how-to" for Regen Ag, and they do this by providing a roadmap for the implementation of regenerative practices on farm operations. With their goal of helping 1 million farmers, Continuum Ag is working to build systems and automations that will impact how farmers implement regenerative practices across the world.

ForGround Member Benefit

As a ForGround member you can claim a 10% discount on Continuum Ag’s Regen Roadmap: a detailed custom-made document with your prescription for how to implement regen ag to ensure best practices field by field. They analyze current practices, understand farmer goals, and deliver advice including species of cover crops, timing/methods of cover crop planting and termination, and how to work toward a no-till system. By utilizing their expertise, they protect yields and increase profitability all while improving your soil health.

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