Bayer Carbon Program Reduced-Till Offer
Accepting acres implementing both cover crops and reduced-till.
Do you qualify for the reduced-till offer?
Reducing passes and intensity on your cover crop acres can potentially make you eligible for the Bayer Carbon Program.
Key Eligibility Requirements:
Reduced-till and cover crops must be on the same acre
Must transition from a multiple-pass tillage system with a primary tillage tool to a single, full-width tillage system using a secondary or “one-pass” tool (see chart below).
Secondary tillage tools must operate at a depth of no more than four inches, and at least 30% of residue must remain ahead of planting.
A single pass of a subsoiler/in-line ripper is permitted every other year.
Field must have a practice change date on or after August 15, 2019.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Which regenerative agriculture practices qualify for the 2025 Bayer Carbon Program reduced-till offer?
A: Both reduced-till and cover crops must be implemented on the acre.
Cover crops: You must intentionally plant and grow grasses, small grains, legumes, brassicas, or other broadleaves (or a combination) after harvesting the primary cash crop. The cover crop must remain in the field until the next planting season for soil protection or improvement. Removing biomass (e.g., burning, baling, harvesting, or grazing) is not permitted.
Reduced-till: This practice allows only partial tillage before planting, using a Secondary Tillage Tool with an operating depth of no more than four inches. At least 30% soil residue cover must be maintained at planting. The transition must be from a multiple-pass tillage system using a Primary Tillage Tool to a single full-width tillage system using a Secondary Tillage Tool. The use of disks, including high-speed disks, is not permitted.
Q: How much can I earn through the 2025 Bayer Carbon Program reduced-till offer?
A: You have the potential to earn up to $12/acre ($6/acre for cover crops and $6/acre for reduced-till), subject to enrollment limits.
Q: I received a message saying my fields will be waitlisted for the 2025 Bayer Carbon reduced-till offer, what does that mean?
A: The 2025 Bayer Carbon Program is accepting limited acres for each practice by state. Once a state’s acre limit for a practice is reached, interested growers will be placed on a wait list and notified if additional acres for a practice will be accepted.