Unlock climate-smart possibilities.
Climate-smart agriculture has an exciting future. And while the carbon market is already starting to grow, we believe there’s much more to come.
Together, with farmers at the heart of it, we can transform the agriculture value chain by supporting regenerative practices that help companies achieve sustainability and climate action targets.
We believe we can start to unlock the true value of the land and leave it better than we found it — for people and our planet.
Why Choose ForGround by Bayer
Our difference lies in the easily scalable approach for carbon sequestration and emissions measurement and reduction across diverse supply chains — including food, feed and biofuels. We collect and capture data from enrolled farmers' fields to help create high-quality offset credits and Scope 3 value chain interventions.

Scientific Rigor
Our scientific rigor sets us apart in creating of carbon assets. Our value chain pilot with Gold Standard was first to receive design certification in agriculture. World-class R&D will help create future opportunities beyond existing no-till and cover crop practices to remove and reduce carbon emissions.

Digital Agriculture Footprint
We use the market leading FieldView™ platform to support sustainable farming. The Bayer Carbon program has the potential to access field-level, cloud-based, farmer-owned data from 150+ million acres of land.
Scalable Solutions
We offer a portfolio of solutions supporting scalable impact. You’ll be able to balance your budget against quality and tonnage to help deliver on your sustainability initiatives and climate commitments.
Verified Offset Credits
We have a strong ecosystem of top scientists and collaborations with industry experts — along with the infrastructure to monitor and report impact. You can depend on our trusted and transparent verification of trackable and credible carbon credits with unique identifiers.
Value Chain Emissions Reductions
You will be able to target and incentivize change within your own supply chain to reduce Scope 3 emissions to meet your carbon neutral and or net-zero climate commitments
Stakeholder Expectations
You can share your sustainability efforts with confidence in messaging to customers, shareholders, regulators, the media and others.